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Music Scholarship Award

The present strength of the Society is between 70 and 80 voices and we are keen to encourage young singers to participate in our activities.

The purpose of the Music Scholarship Award is to encourage young singers to take part in the Society’s rehearsals and performances thus broadening their musical experience and enabling them to acquire a wider musical knowledge, improved technical skills and improved academic achievement.

The Music Scholarship Award includes:
Free Membership of the Society
A grant of £250 over one relevant Society season (September to July) towards agreed musical objectives. Musical objectives include instrumental or singing lessons, appropriate training courses, music specific software or hardware, instrument hire and other relevant expenses. These objectives would have to be agreed in writing prior to the Award being made and receipts would be required before any payment is made to you.
All music supplied free of charge
At the end of the relevant Society season, you would be offered the opportunity to remain as a member of the Society free of charge (but paying for music as required). If you choose to take up this offer, then it will continue whilst you remain a member until the season in which you reach the age of 30. For that season and thereafter you would be required to pay the full membership subscription.

Recipients of the Music Scholarship Award are expected to give a firm undertaking to attend all rehearsals (Monday evenings from 7:45pm to 9:45pm in Tring) and perform in all concerts for the relevant Society season.

To apply please email the the secretary, Zoe Hill, at email-secretary and she’ll be in touch.

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