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Concert Dress
Long-sleeved (minimum three-quarter length) black top with modest round or V-neck, with or without collar (fabric to be reasonably plain and not sparkly)
Smart black trousers or long black skirt (minimum of mid-calf-lenth) with black tights
A dress is acceptable as long as the length and top conform with the above
Black shoes
A black, light evening jacket is acceptable in colder months
Black Dinner Suit
White shirt
Black bow tie
Black shoes
Concert Protocol
  • Line up in the church hall at 7.15pm behind the person who was on your right in rehearsal ready to walk to the church at 7.20pm. The hall will be locked after everyone has left and reopened after the concert.
  • Enter church by west door and leave any coats in the side chapel.
  • Stay standing until all of us are on stage and sit when someone given this task in the front row indicates all can sit.
  • Stand on entry of conductor to main aisle.
  • Retake your seat 15 minutes after start of interval (men please take the lead).
  • Stand on entry of conductor to main aisle for the second half of concert.
  • At conclusion of concert do not applaud the choir when the audience does so! However, you may join the applause when the conductor indicates the soloists, accompanist or members of the orchestra.
  • The black TCS concert folders are to be used to contain music unless individual music copies are too large for folders when instruction to dispense with folders for such items will be given.

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